Edgar Dawson - Team Mates

Player Team Games First Game As Team Mates Last Game As Team Mates
 Rest of League Bath, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rest of League Bevan, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Bevan, Brian116 Apr 195816 Apr 1958
 Great Britain Boston, Billy117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Rugby League XIII Boston, Billy121 Oct 195621 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Bowman, Keith106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Rugby League XIII Challinor, Jim121 Oct 195621 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Cracknell, Dick106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Great Britain Davies, Alan117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Yorkshire Fletcher, Arthur106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Rugby League XIII Fraser, Eric121 Oct 195621 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Gabbitas, Brian116 Apr 195816 Apr 1958
 Rest of League Goodwin, Dennis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Great Britain Grundy, Jack117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Rugby League XIII Grundy, Jack121 Oct 195621 Oct 1956
 Great Britain Harris, Tommy117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Rest of League Harris, Tommy103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Harris, Tommy121 Oct 195621 Oct 1956
 Rest of League Henderson, Peter103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Holland, Doug116 Apr 195816 Apr 1958
 Rest of League Jackson, Ken103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Great Britain Jackson, Phil117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Rugby League XIII Jackson, Phil121 Oct 195621 Oct 1956
 Rest of League Jones, Lewis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Jones, Lewis116 Apr 195816 Apr 1958
 Rest of League Keavney, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rest of League Kelly, Bob103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Mageen, Joe106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Rest of League Markham, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII McLellan, Keith116 Apr 195816 Apr 1958
 Great Britain Mortimer, Frank117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Rest of League Moses, Glyn103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Mullaney, Joe106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Rugby League XIII Norburn, Peter116 Apr 195816 Apr 1958
 Rugby League XIII Owen, Garfield116 Apr 195816 Apr 1958
 Rugby League XIII Owen, Stan116 Apr 195816 Apr 1958
 Yorkshire Poole, Bernard106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Great Britain Prescott, Alan117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Great Britain Price, Ray117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Rest of League Price, Ray103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Price, Ray121 Oct 195621 Oct 1956
 Great Britain Robinson, Don117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Rugby League XIII Robinson, Don121 Oct 195621 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Robinson, Don106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Rugby League XIII Scott, Mick121 Oct 195621 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Scott, Mick106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Great Britain Shaw, Brian117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Rugby League XIII Smith, Sam116 Apr 195816 Apr 1958
 Yorkshire Smith, Sam106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Great Britain Stevenson, Jeff117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Rugby League XIII Stevenson, Jeff221 Oct 195616 Apr 1958
 Great Britain Sullivan, Mick117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 Rugby League XIII Sullivan, Mick121 Oct 195621 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Thompson, Stan106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Yorkshire Traill, Ken106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Yorkshire Turner, Rocky106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Rugby League XIII van Vollenhoven, Tom116 Apr 195816 Apr 1958
 Rugby League XIII Wilkinson, Jack221 Oct 195616 Apr 1958