Dave Bolton - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 New Zealand Ackland, Ron228 Jul 196211 Aug 1962
 France Aillères, Georges217 Feb 196211 Mar 1962
 France Andrinople, ClĂ©ment102 Mar 195802 Mar 1958
 France Apelian, Antranick403 Nov 195714 Mar 1959
 France AymĂ©, CĂ©lestin103 Nov 195703 Nov 1957
 New Zealand Bailey, Roger430 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 Australia Banks, Bob129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Australia Barnes, Keith423 Sep 195912 Dec 1959
 France Barthe, Jean406 Mar 196011 Mar 1962
 Rest of League Bath, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Beattie, Dud423 Sep 195909 Jun 1962
 France BĂ©livaud, GĂ©rard103 Apr 196303 Apr 1963
 France Benausse, Gilbert526 Jan 195711 Mar 1962
 France Benausse, RenĂ©206 Mar 196026 Mar 1960
 France Berthomieu, Gabriel123 Nov 195723 Nov 1957
 France Bescos, Marcel406 Mar 196011 Mar 1962
 Cumberland Bettinson, Les116 Sep 195716 Sep 1957
 Rest of League Bevan, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 France Bez, Jean-Marie103 Nov 195703 Nov 1957
 France Boldini, Angelo114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 New Zealand Bond, Jim530 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 France Bonnet, Marcel114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 France Boule, Michel103 Apr 196303 Apr 1963
 Yorkshire Brown, Gordon123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Australia Brown, Tony214 Jun 195805 Jul 1958
 Australia Bugden, Bob123 Sep 195923 Sep 1959
 Australia Bull, Roy129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Butterfield, Jock530 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 Australia Carlson, Brian414 Jun 195812 Dec 1959
 France Carrère, AndrĂ©402 Mar 195811 Mar 1962
 France Casas, AndrĂ©206 Mar 196026 Mar 1960
 France Castel, Henri103 Apr 196303 Apr 1963
 New Zealand Castle, Bruce121 Oct 196121 Oct 1961
 Australia Clay, Brian423 Sep 195912 Dec 1959
 Australia Cleary, Michael109 Jun 196209 Jun 1962
 Australia Clifford, Gordon329 Oct 195605 Jul 1958
 Yorkshire Clifft, Colin123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Australia Connell, Cyril129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 France Conti, HonorĂ©103 Apr 196303 Apr 1963
 France Contrastin, Raymond223 Nov 195702 Mar 1958
 New Zealand Cooke, Mel530 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 New Zealand Cooke, Reg330 Sep 196104 Nov 1961
 Yorkshire Cracknell, Dick126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 France Darricau, Jean123 Nov 195723 Nov 1957
 Australia Davies, Brian329 Oct 195605 Jul 1958
 Rest of League Dawson, Edgar103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 France Delhoste, Henri226 Jan 195703 Nov 1957
 New Zealand Denton, Neville228 Jul 196211 Aug 1962
 Australia Dimond, Peter305 Jul 195830 Nov 1963
 France Dop, Jean123 Nov 195723 Nov 1957
 Cumberland Drake, William206 Sep 195610 Sep 1958
 France Dubon, Jacques217 Feb 196211 Mar 1962
 France DuplĂ©, Christian226 Jan 195702 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Dyson, Frank226 Sep 195623 Sep 1957
 New Zealand Edwards, Sam530 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 New Zealand Emery, Maunga530 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 France EramouspĂ©, Robert514 Mar 195903 Apr 1963
 France Escourrou, Pierre103 Apr 196303 Apr 1963
 France Estieau, Serge103 Apr 196303 Apr 1963
 France Etcheberry, Jean217 Feb 196211 Mar 1962
 Yorkshire Etty, John123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Evans, Sam123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Cumberland Eve, Benny206 Sep 195610 Sep 1958
 France Fabre, Bernard303 Nov 195711 Mar 1962
 New Zealand Fagan, Jack330 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 France Fages, Georges314 Mar 195926 Mar 1960
 Yorkshire Fairbank, Jack109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 France Faletti, Laurent103 Apr 196303 Apr 1963
 Australia Flannery, Denis129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 France Foussat, Jean123 Nov 195723 Nov 1957
 Yorkshire Fox, Don126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 Yorkshire Fox, Neil109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Yorkshire Gabbitas, Brian109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Australia Gallagher, Peter116 Oct 196316 Oct 1963
 Cumberland Garratt, Bill106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Australia Gasnier, Reg617 Oct 195930 Nov 1963
 Cumberland Gibson, Eppie206 Sep 195610 Sep 1958
 Rest of League Goodwin, Dennis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 France Gourbal, Yvon126 Mar 196026 Mar 1960
 France Graciet, Jean217 Feb 196211 Mar 1962
 New Zealand Griffiths, Reese128 Jul 196228 Jul 1962
 France Gruppi, Raymond314 Mar 195903 Apr 1963
 Yorkshire Gunney, Geoff326 Sep 195609 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Hadfield, Tom230 Sep 196104 Nov 1961
 Australia Hagan, Bob109 Jun 196209 Jun 1962
 Yorkshire Hallas, Derek109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Australia Hambly, Brian517 Oct 195930 Nov 1963
 Yorkshire Hammill, Len109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Hammond, Don530 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 Rest of League Harris, Tommy103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Harrison, Earl216 Oct 196330 Nov 1963
 New Zealand Harrison, Billy104 Nov 196104 Nov 1961
 Australia Hawick, Greg105 Jul 195805 Jul 1958
 Cumberland Henderson, John116 Sep 195716 Sep 1957
 Rest of League Henderson, Peter103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Holliday, Keith109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Australia Holman, Keith214 Jun 195805 Jul 1958
 Cumberland Huddart, Dick110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Australia Irvine, Ken423 Sep 195930 Nov 1963
 Rest of League Jackson, Ken103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 France Jiminez, Antoine603 Nov 195726 Mar 1960
 Rest of League Jones, Lewis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Kearney, Ken329 Oct 195605 Jul 1958
 Rest of League Keavney, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Kellett, Cyril109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Rest of League Kelly, Bob103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Kelly, Noel216 Oct 196330 Nov 1963
 New Zealand Kennedy, Graham321 Oct 196111 Aug 1962
 Yorkshire Kielty, Stan123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Cumberland King, Tony110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Australia Kite, Ross214 Jun 195805 Jul 1958
 France Lacans, Roger202 Mar 195814 Mar 1959
 France Lacaze, AndrĂ©323 Nov 195706 Mar 1960
 France Lacaze, Pierre306 Mar 196003 Apr 1963
 Australia Langlands, Graeme216 Oct 196330 Nov 1963
 New Zealand Lee, Brian230 Sep 196104 Nov 1961
 France LĂ©vy, Francis103 Nov 195703 Nov 1957
 Cumberland Little, Sid106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Yorkshire Lockwood, Alan109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Cumberland Lowden, Syd306 Sep 195610 Sep 1958
 Australia Lumsden, Eddie423 Sep 195912 Dec 1959
 Australia Lynch, Ron109 Jun 196209 Jun 1962
 Yorkshire Mageen, Joe126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 France Majoral, Roger114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 France Majorel, Robert106 Mar 196006 Mar 1960
 France Mantoulan, Claude406 Mar 196003 Apr 1963
 Rest of League Markham, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Markham, Harry126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 Australia Marsh, Bill214 Jun 195805 Jul 1958
 Cumberland McAlone, William216 Sep 195710 Sep 1958
 Cumberland McCourt, Steve106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Australia McGovern, Des129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Cumberland McGuinness, Jack216 Sep 195710 Sep 1958
 Cumberland McKeown, John106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 France MĂ©dus, Robert123 Nov 195723 Nov 1957
 France Merquey, Jacques226 Jan 195703 Nov 1957
 Yorkshire Metcalfe, Don126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 France Michel, Louis126 Jan 195726 Jan 1957
 Australia Moir, Ian114 Jun 195814 Jun 1958
 France Montrucolis, François226 Jan 195723 Nov 1957
 Rest of League Moses, Glyn103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Mossop, Rex514 Jun 195812 Dec 1959
 France Moulinas, Robert126 Mar 196026 Mar 1960
 Australia Muir, Barry617 Oct 195930 Nov 1963
 France NĂ©dorezoff, Jean126 Jan 195726 Jan 1957
 Yorkshire Noble, Ken109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Australia O'Shea, Kel329 Oct 195605 Jul 1958
 Cumberland Palmer, Geoff216 Sep 195710 Sep 1958
 France Pambrun, Jean126 Jan 195726 Jan 1957
 Australia Parcell, Gary317 Oct 195909 Jun 1962
 France Parent, Augustin326 Jan 195723 Nov 1957
 Australia Parish, Don109 Jun 196209 Jun 1962
 Australia Paterson, Jim123 Sep 195923 Sep 1959
 Australia Payne, Tom129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Rest of League Price, Ray103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Provan, Norm329 Oct 195605 Jul 1958
 France Quaglio, Aldo406 Mar 196011 Mar 1962
 Australia Quinn, Paul130 Nov 196330 Nov 1963
 Australia Raper, Johnny523 Sep 195930 Nov 1963
 Australia Rasmussen, Elton323 Sep 195909 Jun 1962
 New Zealand Reidy, Brian530 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 France Rey, Roger126 Jan 195726 Jan 1957
 Cumberland Richardson, Jack106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Australia Riley, John223 Sep 195917 Oct 1959
 France Rives, AndrĂ©426 Jan 195714 Mar 1959
 Cumberland Robinson, Geoff206 Sep 195616 Sep 1957
 Cumberland Roper, Sol306 Sep 195610 Sep 1958
 France Rouqueirol, Jean303 Nov 195714 Mar 1959
 France Savonne, AndrĂ©226 Jan 195702 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Scott, Mick226 Sep 195623 Sep 1957
 Cumberland Short, Tom116 Sep 195716 Sep 1957
 New Zealand Smith, Tony128 Jul 196228 Jul 1962
 Cumberland Smith, Bill206 Sep 195616 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Smith, David126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 Yorkshire Smith, Sam226 Sep 195623 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Snowden, Alan123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 New Zealand Snowden, Bill530 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 Cumberland Stamper, Tom216 Sep 195710 Sep 1958
 Cumberland Stephenson, Eric216 Sep 195710 Sep 1958
 Yorkshire Stevenson, Jeff126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 Yorkshire Sullivan, Mick223 Sep 195709 Oct 1961
 Australia Summons, Arthur109 Jun 196209 Jun 1962
 France Teisseire, Claude126 Jan 195726 Jan 1957
 Australia Thornett, Dick216 Oct 196330 Nov 1963
 Australia Thornett, Ken216 Oct 196330 Nov 1963
 France Tonus, Serge102 Mar 195802 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Traill, Ken126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 Australia Tyquin, Tom129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 France Vadon, AndrĂ©103 Apr 196303 Apr 1963
 France VerdiĂ©, Gilbert203 Nov 195702 Mar 1958
 France VergĂ©, Louis317 Feb 196203 Apr 1963
 France Vergès, Jean126 Mar 196026 Mar 1960
 Cumberland Vickers, Joe106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 France Voron, Maurice403 Nov 195726 Mar 1960
 Australia Walsh, Ian723 Sep 195930 Nov 1963
 Yorkshire Waterworth, Gary109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Australia Watson, Alex129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Cumberland Watts, Ivor216 Sep 195710 Sep 1958
 Australia Wells, Harry514 Jun 195812 Dec 1959
 Yorkshire Whiteley, Johnny223 Sep 195709 Oct 1961
 Yorkshire Wilkinson, Jack126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 Australia Wilson, Billy423 Sep 195912 Dec 1959
 Yorkshire Woolford, Cyril123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957