Vince Karalius - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 Cumberland Ackerley, Alvin131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 New Zealand Ackland, Ron124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 France Apelian, Antranick314 Mar 195928 Jan 1961
 Cumberland Archer, Harry212 Sep 196202 Oct 1963
 New Zealand Atkinson, Alister107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 New Zealand Bakalich, Vern107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Australia Barnes, Keith108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 France Barthe, Jean301 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 Great Britain White XIII Barton, John119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Rest of League Bath, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Baxter, Tommy107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Australia Beattie, Dud108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Rest of the World Beattie, Dud110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Cumberland Bell, Eric102 Oct 196302 Oct 1963
 France Benausse, Gilbert128 Jan 196128 Jan 1961
 France Bescos, Marcel128 Jan 196128 Jan 1961
 Rest of League Bevan, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Blanchard, Lory107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Australia Boden, Ron108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Rest of the World Boden, Ron110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Boldini, Angelo114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 France Bonnet, Marcel114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 Great Britain White XIII Boston, Billy119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Bowman, Ken111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Breen, Aidan131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Cumberland Brennan, Eddie112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 Yorkshire Briggs, Brian126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Australia Brown, Tony205 Jul 195808 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Burnett, John224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 New Zealand Butterfield, Jock407 Dec 195524 Sep 1960
 Australia Carlson, Brian305 Jul 195808 Oct 1960
 Great Britain White XIII Carlton, Frank119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 France Carrère, André114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 France Casas, André101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Clawson, Terry126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Australia Cleary, Michael125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 Australia Clifford, Gordon205 Jul 195819 Jul 1958
 Great Britain White XIII Clifft, Colin119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Close, Don126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Colloby, Tony102 Oct 196302 Oct 1963
 New Zealand Cooke, Mel124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 New Zealand Creedy, Pat107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Australia Davies, Brian205 Jul 195819 Jul 1958
 Rest of League Dawson, Edgar103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Day, Ken109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 New Zealand Denton, Neville326 Jul 195824 Sep 1960
 Australia Dimond, Peter405 Jul 195809 Nov 1963
 Yorkshire Dooler, Carl126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Drake, James231 Aug 195912 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Drake, William406 Sep 195612 Sep 1962
 France Dubon, Jacques101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Dyson, Frank424 Sep 195811 Sep 1963
 New Zealand Eastlake, Cyril326 Jul 195824 Sep 1960
 Rest of the World Eastlake, Cyril110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Cumberland Edgar, Brian102 Oct 196302 Oct 1963
 Yorkshire Elliott, Dave226 Sep 196211 Sep 1963
 France Eramouspé, Robert314 Mar 195911 Dec 1960
 Rest of the World Eramouspé, Robert110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Estieau, Serge128 Jan 196128 Jan 1961
 Cumberland Eve, Benny206 Sep 195610 Sep 1958
 France Fabre, Bernard128 Jan 196128 Jan 1961
 France Fages, Georges214 Mar 195911 Dec 1960
 Yorkshire Field, Norman111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Great Britain White XIII Fishwick, John119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Flanagan, Flash111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Foster, Frank102 Oct 196302 Oct 1963
 France Foussat, Jean211 Dec 196028 Jan 1961
 Yorkshire Fox, Don129 Oct 195829 Oct 1958
 Yorkshire Fox, Neil126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Great Britain White XIII Fraser, Eric119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Great Britain White XIII Gabbitas, Brian119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Australia Gallagher, Peter225 Sep 196316 Oct 1963
 Cumberland Garratt, Bill106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Australia Gasnier, Reg308 Oct 196009 Nov 1963
 Cumberland Gibson, Eppie306 Sep 195631 Aug 1959
 Rest of League Goodwin, Dennis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rest of the World Gourbal, Yvon110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Grey, Ian107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 New Zealand Griffiths, Reese226 Jul 195809 Aug 1958
 France Gruppi, Raymond414 Mar 195928 Jan 1961
 Rest of the World Gruppi, Raymond110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Guiraud, Joseph201 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 Yorkshire Gunney, Geoff224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 New Zealand Hadfield, Tom326 Jul 195824 Sep 1960
 Rest of the World Hadfield, Tom110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Haggie, Dick107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Australia Hambly, Brian308 Oct 196016 Oct 1963
 Rest of the World Hambly, Brian110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Hammill, Len126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Rest of League Harris, Tommy103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Harrison, Earl325 Sep 196309 Nov 1963
 New Zealand Hawes, Bob107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Australia Hawick, Greg205 Jul 195819 Jul 1958
 Rest of League Henderson, Peter103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Cumberland Hill, Tom112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 Yorkshire Hirst, Jack111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Great Britain White XIII Holden, Keith119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Australia Holman, Keith205 Jul 195819 Jul 1958
 Cumberland Hosking, Joe131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Cumberland Huddart, Dick310 Sep 195802 Oct 1963
 Cumberland Hurt, Derek102 Oct 196302 Oct 1963
 Australia Irvine, Ken325 Sep 196309 Nov 1963
 Yorkshire Jackson, Duncan126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Rest of League Jackson, Ken103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 France Jiminez, Antoine114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 Australia Johns, Les125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 New Zealand Johnson, Cliff326 Jul 195824 Sep 1960
 Rest of the World Johnson, Cliff110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Rest of League Jones, Lewis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Kearney, Ken205 Jul 195819 Jul 1958
 Rest of League Keavney, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Kellett, Alan224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Rest of League Kelly, Bob103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Kelly, Noel408 Oct 196009 Nov 1963
 New Zealand Kilkelly, Trevor407 Dec 195524 Sep 1960
 Cumberland King, Tony110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Australia Kite, Ross105 Jul 195805 Jul 1958
 France Lacans, Roger114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 France Lacaze, André301 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 France Lacaze, Pierre128 Jan 196128 Jan 1961
 Australia Langlands, Graeme325 Sep 196309 Nov 1963
 Cumberland Little, Sid106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Cumberland Lowden, Syd506 Sep 195602 Oct 1963
 Great Britain White XIII Lowden, Syd119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Cumberland Lynch, Jim102 Oct 196302 Oct 1963
 Yorkshire Major, Terry111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 France Majoral, Roger114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 France Mantoulan, Claude301 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 Rest of the World Mantoulan, Claude110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Rest of League Markham, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Marsh, Bill205 Jul 195819 Jul 1958
 Cumberland Martin, Billy112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 New Zealand Maxwell, Henry407 Dec 195524 Sep 1960
 Cumberland McAlone, William210 Sep 195831 Aug 1959
 Cumberland McCourt, Steve106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 New Zealand McDonald, George107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Cumberland McGuinness, Jack110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Cumberland McKeown, John106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Cumberland McLeod, Matt112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 Cumberland McNally, Tom112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 New Zealand Menzies, George326 Jul 195824 Sep 1960
 Rest of the World Menzies, George110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Merquey, Jacques101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 France Mézard, Yves101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 Australia Moir, Ian119 Jul 195819 Jul 1958
 Yorkshire Morgan, Ron111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Rest of League Moses, Glyn103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Cumberland Mossop, Joe112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 Australia Mossop, Rex305 Jul 195808 Oct 1960
 Australia Muir, Barry408 Oct 196009 Nov 1963
 Rest of the World Muir, Barry110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Cumberland O'Neil, John131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Cumberland O'Neill, John212 Sep 196202 Oct 1963
 Australia O'Shea, Kel205 Jul 195819 Jul 1958
 Great Britain White XIII Owen, Stan119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Cumberland Palmer, Geoff110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 France Panno, Jean111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Australia Parcell, Gary108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Percy, Rex226 Jul 195809 Aug 1958
 France Poletti, Louis201 Oct 196011 Dec 1960
 Yorkshire Poole, Harry124 Sep 195824 Sep 1958
 Rest of League Price, Ray103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Provan, Norm205 Jul 195819 Jul 1958
 France Quaglio, Aldo301 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 Australia Quinn, Paul109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 Australia Raper, Johnny325 Sep 196309 Nov 1963
 Australia Rasmussen, Elton108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Ratima, Joe226 Jul 195809 Aug 1958
 Rest of the World Rayner, Billy110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Rey, Roger201 Oct 196011 Dec 1960
 Cumberland Richardson, Jack106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Yorkshire Riley, Bill224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 France Rives, André114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 New Zealand Roberts, Keith326 Jul 195824 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Robinson, Geoff106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Cumberland Roper, Sol506 Sep 195602 Oct 1963
 France Rouqueirol, Jean114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 Australia Rushworth, Barry125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 France Savonne, André111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Great Britain White XIII Shaw, Brian119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Shaw, Brian224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Yorkshire Shaw, Joby224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Yorkshire Shelton, Geoff226 Sep 196211 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Shepherd, Louis102 Oct 196302 Oct 1963
 Cumberland Smith, Bill106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Yorkshire Smith, Geoff126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Great Britain White XIII Smith, Sam119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Snowden, Alan224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 New Zealand Sorensen, Bill207 Dec 195524 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Stamper, Tom110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Cumberland Stephenson, Eric110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Cumberland Stephenson, Ron131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Yorkshire Stevenson, Jeff124 Sep 195824 Sep 1958
 Yorkshire Sullivan, Mick224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Cumberland Tembey, John331 Aug 195902 Oct 1963
 Australia Thornett, Dick325 Sep 196309 Nov 1963
 Australia Thornett, Ken216 Oct 196309 Nov 1963
 Yorkshire Turner, Rocky129 Oct 195829 Oct 1958
 New Zealand Turner, George326 Jul 195824 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Tyson, Brian226 Sep 196211 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Vickers, Joe106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 France Voron, Maurice114 Mar 195914 Mar 1959
 Australia Walsh, Ian325 Sep 196309 Nov 1963
 Yorkshire Ward, Fred226 Sep 196211 Sep 1963
 Yorkshire Waterworth, Gary111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Watts, Ivor110 Sep 195810 Sep 1958
 Great Britain White XIII Webster, Denzil119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Australia Wells, Harry219 Jul 195808 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Wilkinson, Jack224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Great Britain White XIII Winslade, Charlie119 Mar 195819 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Wrigglesworth, Brian111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Yorkshire Yorke, Vic224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958