Frank Pitchford - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 Cumberland Ackerley, Alvin119 Sep 195519 Sep 1955
 Great Britain Green XIII Ackerley, Alvin112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 France Aillères, Georges111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 New Zealand Amer, Allen104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 Cumberland Archer, Harry119 Sep 195519 Sep 1955
 New Zealand Atkinson, Alister107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 New Zealand Bailey, Roger104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 New Zealand Bakalich, Vern107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Other Nationalities Banks, Billy112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Australia Banks, Bob129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 France Barthe, Jean111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 Other Nationalities Bath, Harry112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Bath, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Baxter, Tommy107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 France Benausse, Gilbert111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 France Bescos, Marcel111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 Cumberland Bettinson, Les116 Sep 195716 Sep 1957
 Other Nationalities Bevan, Brian112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Bevan, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Blanchard, Lory107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Other Nationalities Boston, Billy112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Yorkshire Broughton, George126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 Yorkshire Brown, Gordon126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 Australia Bull, Roy129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Butterfield, Jock207 Dec 195526 Jul 1958
 France Carrère, André111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 Australia Clifford, Gordon129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Great Britain Green XIII Clifft, Colin112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Other Nationalities Clues, Arthur112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Australia Connell, Cyril129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Cooke, Mel104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 New Zealand Cooke, Reg104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 Yorkshire Cracknell, Dick126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 New Zealand Creedy, Pat107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Australia Davies, Brian129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Rest of League Dawson, Edgar103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Denton, Neville126 Jul 195826 Jul 1958
 Great Britain Green XIII Drake, Bill112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Cumberland Drake, William106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 France Dubon, Jacques111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 Yorkshire Dyson, Frank126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 New Zealand Eastlake, Cyril126 Jul 195826 Jul 1958
 New Zealand Edwards, Sam104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 France Eramouspé, Robert111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 France Etcheberry, Jean111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 Cumberland Eve, Benny106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 France Fabre, Bernard111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 New Zealand Farrar, Graeme104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 Australia Flannery, Denis129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Ford, Jim104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 Yorkshire Fox, Don126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 Great Britain Green XIII Fraser, Eric112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Froggett, Don126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 Cumberland Garratt, Bill106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Cumberland Gibson, Eppie219 Sep 195506 Sep 1956
 Rest of League Goodwin, Dennis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 France Graciet, Jean111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 New Zealand Grey, Ian107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 New Zealand Griffiths, Reese126 Jul 195826 Jul 1958
 Yorkshire Gunney, Geoff226 Sep 195526 Sep 1956
 New Zealand Hadfield, Tom126 Jul 195826 Jul 1958
 New Zealand Haggie, Dick107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Cumberland Hamilton, Eric119 Sep 195519 Sep 1955
 Yorkshire Hanley, John126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Harris, Tommy103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Harrison, Rata104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 New Zealand Harrison, Billy104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 New Zealand Hart, Reg104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 New Zealand Hawes, Bob107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Cumberland Hayton, Jimmy119 Sep 195519 Sep 1955
 Cumberland Henderson, John219 Sep 195516 Sep 1957
 Rest of League Henderson, Peter103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Hollindrake, Terry126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 Great Britain Green XIII Huddart, Dick112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Rest of League Jackson, Ken103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Johnson, Cliff126 Jul 195826 Jul 1958
 Other Nationalities Jones, Lewis112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Jones, Lewis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Kearney, Ken129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Rest of League Keavney, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Other Nationalities Kelly, Bob112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Kelly, Bob103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Kennedy, Graham104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 Cumberland Key, Andy119 Sep 195519 Sep 1955
 New Zealand Kilkelly, Trevor207 Dec 195526 Jul 1958
 Yorkshire Ledgard, Jimmy126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 New Zealand Lee, Brian104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 Cumberland Lewthwaite, Jim119 Sep 195519 Sep 1955
 Cumberland Little, Sid219 Sep 195506 Sep 1956
 Cumberland Lowden, Syd206 Sep 195616 Sep 1957
 Great Britain Green XIII Lowden, Syd112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Other Nationalities Lynch, Tommy112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Yorkshire Mageen, Joe126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 France Mantoulan, Claude111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 Rest of League Markham, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Yorkshire Markham, Harry126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 New Zealand Maxwell, Henry207 Dec 195526 Jul 1958
 Cumberland McAlone, William116 Sep 195716 Sep 1957
 Cumberland McCourt, Steve106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 New Zealand McDonald, George107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Australia McGovern, Des129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Cumberland McGuinness, Jack116 Sep 195716 Sep 1957
 Cumberland McKeown, John219 Sep 195506 Sep 1956
 Other Nationalities McKinney, Tom112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 New Zealand Menzies, George126 Jul 195826 Jul 1958
 Yorkshire Metcalfe, Don126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 Other Nationalities Moses, Glyn112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Moses, Glyn103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Great Britain Green XIII Murphy, Alex112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Australia O'Shea, Kel129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Cumberland Palmer, Geoff219 Sep 195516 Sep 1957
 Great Britain Green XIII Palmer, Geoff112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Great Britain Green XIII Parkinson, George112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 New Zealand Patterson, Jim104 Sep 196104 Sep 1961
 Australia Payne, Tom129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Percy, Rex126 Jul 195826 Jul 1958
 Other Nationalities Price, Ray112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Price, Ray103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Provan, Norm129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 France Quaglio, Aldo111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 New Zealand Ratima, Joe126 Jul 195826 Jul 1958
 Cumberland Richardson, Jack106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 New Zealand Roberts, Keith126 Jul 195826 Jul 1958
 Yorkshire Robinson, Don126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 Cumberland Robinson, Geoff206 Sep 195616 Sep 1957
 Cumberland Roper, Sol206 Sep 195616 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Scott, Mick226 Sep 195526 Sep 1956
 Cumberland Short, Tom116 Sep 195716 Sep 1957
 Cumberland Smith, Bill206 Sep 195616 Sep 1957
 Great Britain Green XIII Smith, Brian112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Great Britain Green XIII Smith, David112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Smith, David126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 Yorkshire Smith, Sam126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 New Zealand Sorensen, Bill107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Cumberland Southward, Ike119 Sep 195519 Sep 1955
 Cumberland Stamper, Tom116 Sep 195716 Sep 1957
 Cumberland Stephenson, Eric116 Sep 195716 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Stevenson, Jeff226 Sep 195526 Sep 1956
 Yorkshire Sullivan, Mick126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 Great Britain Green XIII Terry, Abe112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Other Nationalities Thorley, John112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Yorkshire Traill, Ken126 Sep 195626 Sep 1956
 Yorkshire Turner, Rocky126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 New Zealand Turner, George126 Jul 195826 Jul 1958
 Australia Tyquin, Tom129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Other Nationalities Valentine, Dave112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 France Vergé, Louis111 Mar 196211 Mar 1962
 Cumberland Vickers, Joe106 Sep 195606 Sep 1956
 Australia Watson, Alex129 Oct 195629 Oct 1956
 Cumberland Watts, Ivor116 Sep 195716 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Wilkinson, Jack226 Sep 195526 Sep 1956
 Cumberland Wilson, Jim119 Sep 195519 Sep 1955
 Great Britain Green XIII Yorke, Vic112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958