Mick Sullivan - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 Cumberland Ackerley, Alvin116 Sep 195916 Sep 1959
 New Zealand Ackland, Ron224 Sep 196028 Jul 1962
 Australia Adams, Don117 Nov 195617 Nov 1956
 France Aillères, Georges217 Feb 196211 Mar 1962
 France Alberti, Gilbert311 Dec 195503 Mar 1957
 France Services Alberti, Gilbert115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 France Ambert, Auguste211 Dec 195521 Oct 1956
 France Andrinople, ClĂ©ment102 Mar 195802 Mar 1958
 France Apelian, Antranick1411 Dec 195528 Jan 1961
 French Services Apelian, Antranick113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 Cumberland Archer, Harry111 Sep 196111 Sep 1961
 Lancashire Ashton, Eric224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 New Zealand Atkinson, Alister411 Nov 195412 Nov 1955
 French Services Audibert, F113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 France Audoubert, Jean207 Nov 195413 Nov 1954
 France Audy, AndrĂ©211 Apr 195621 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Austin, Jim111 Nov 195411 Nov 1954
 France AymĂ©, CĂ©lestin103 Nov 195703 Nov 1957
 France Services AymĂ©, CĂ©lestin115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 New Zealand Bailey, Roger306 Sep 196104 Nov 1961
 New Zealand Bakalich, Vern421 Sep 195517 Dec 1955
 Other Nationalities Banks, Billy112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Australia Banks, Bob417 Nov 195630 Jun 1962
 Australia Barnes, Keith628 Sep 195930 Jun 1962
 French Services Barres, C113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 France Barthe, Jean806 Mar 196002 Dec 1962
 Lancashire Barton, John324 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Other Nationalities Bath, Harry112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Bath, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 New Zealand Baxter, Tommy421 Sep 195517 Dec 1955
 Australia Beattie, Dud617 Oct 195914 Jul 1962
 Rest of the World Beattie, Dud110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Belsham, Sel225 Jun 195708 Jul 1957
 France Benausse, Gilbert1607 Nov 195402 Dec 1962
 France Benausse, RenĂ©206 Mar 196026 Mar 1960
 France Bernard, RenĂ©111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 France Berthomieu, Gabriel611 Dec 195523 Nov 1957
 France Bescos, Marcel506 Mar 196011 Mar 1962
 Cumberland Bettinson, Les111 Sep 195711 Sep 1957
 Other Nationalities Bevan, Brian112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Bevan, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 France Bez, Jean-Marie103 Nov 195703 Nov 1957
 French Services Bilione, E113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 Lancashire Blan, Albert126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 New Zealand Blanchard, Lory311 Nov 195417 Dec 1955
 Australia Boden, Ron228 Sep 195908 Oct 1960
 Rest of the World Boden, Ron110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Boldini, Angelo310 May 195605 Apr 1959
 Lancashire Bolton, Dave223 Sep 195709 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Bond, Jim406 Sep 196128 Jul 1962
 New Zealand Bond, John311 Nov 195417 Dec 1955
 France Bonnet, Marcel214 Mar 195905 Apr 1959
 Other Nationalities Boston, Billy112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 France Bourreil, AndrĂ©217 Nov 196202 Dec 1962
 Cumberland Breen, Aidan116 Sep 195916 Sep 1959
 Cumberland Brennan, Eddie111 Sep 196111 Sep 1961
 Lancashire Brennan, Jackie224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Lancashire Broome, Jack126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 Australia Brown, Tony314 Jun 195808 Oct 1960
 Australia Bull, Roy431 Oct 195415 Dec 1956
 New Zealand Butterfield, Jock1211 Nov 195428 Jul 1962
 France Cantoni, Vincent207 Nov 195413 Nov 1954
 Australia Carlson, Brian717 Jun 195708 Oct 1960
 Lancashire Carlton, Frank126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 France Carrère, AndrĂ©602 Mar 195802 Dec 1962
 Australia Carson, Bill230 Jun 196214 Jul 1962
 France Casas, AndrĂ©306 Mar 196001 Oct 1960
 France Services Casas, AndrĂ©115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 New Zealand Castle, Bruce206 Sep 196121 Oct 1961
 France Caujolle, Paul111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 French Services Caujolle, Paul113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 Lancashire Challinor, Jim131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 Rest of League Challinor, Jim112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Cherrington, Norman123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Australia Churchill, Clive231 Oct 195417 Nov 1956
 Australia Clay, Brian417 Jun 195712 Dec 1959
 Australia Cleary, Michael109 Jun 196209 Jun 1962
 Australia Clifford, Gordon501 Dec 195619 Jul 1958
 Other Nationalities Clues, Arthur112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 France Services Coll, 115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 Lancashire Collier, Frank324 Sep 195809 Oct 1961
 Rest of League Collier, Frank112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 France Conti, HonorĂ©102 Dec 196202 Dec 1962
 France Contrastin, Raymond407 Nov 195402 Mar 1958
 New Zealand Cooke, Mel524 Sep 196028 Jul 1962
 New Zealand Cooke, Reg306 Sep 196104 Nov 1961
 France Services Corduries, G115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 French Services Corduries, G113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 New Zealand Creedy, Pat408 Oct 195508 Jul 1957
 France Crespo, Joseph207 Nov 195413 Nov 1954
 France Darricau, Jean303 Mar 195723 Nov 1957
 Lancashire Davies, Alan326 Sep 195531 Aug 1960
 Rest of League Davies, Alan112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Australia Davies, Brian731 Oct 195419 Jul 1958
 Rest of League Dawson, Edgar103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Lancashire Dawson, Harry123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Australia Day, Ken109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 France Services Deffez, 115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 Australia Delamere, Bill128 Sep 195928 Sep 1959
 France Delaye, Guy107 Nov 195407 Nov 1954
 France Delhoste, Henri526 Jan 195703 Nov 1957
 France Delpoux, AndrĂ©111 Dec 195511 Dec 1955
 New Zealand Denton, Neville521 Sep 195528 Jul 1962
 Australia Dimond, Peter405 Jul 195809 Nov 1963
 Australia Diversi, Peter131 Oct 195431 Oct 1954
 France Dop, Jean211 Dec 195523 Nov 1957
 Australia Doyle, Ian201 Dec 195615 Dec 1956
 Australia Drake, Frank114 Jul 196214 Jul 1962
 Cumberland Drake, James319 Sep 195614 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Drake, William319 Sep 195611 Sep 1961
 France Dubon, Jacques401 Oct 196002 Dec 1962
 France Ducasse, AndrĂ©311 Dec 195503 Mar 1957
 French Services Duclos, H113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 France DuplĂ©, Christian611 Dec 195502 Mar 1958
 Rest of League Dyson, Frank112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 New Zealand Eastlake, Cyril411 Nov 195424 Sep 1960
 Rest of the World Eastlake, Cyril110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Cumberland Edgar, Brian214 Sep 196011 Sep 1961
 Rest of League Edwards, Jackie112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 New Zealand Edwards, Jimmy111 Nov 195411 Nov 1954
 New Zealand Edwards, Sam406 Sep 196128 Jul 1962
 France Eito, Pascal311 Dec 195510 May 1956
 New Zealand Emery, Maunga406 Sep 196128 Jul 1962
 France EramouspĂ©, Robert914 Mar 195902 Dec 1962
 Rest of the World EramouspĂ©, Robert110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Eriksen, Len111 Nov 195411 Nov 1954
 France Estieau, Serge228 Jan 196117 Nov 1962
 France Etcheberry, Jean217 Feb 196211 Mar 1962
 France Fabre, Bernard603 Nov 195702 Dec 1962
 France Fabre, Jacques311 Apr 195605 Apr 1959
 New Zealand Fagan, Jack206 Sep 196121 Oct 1961
 France Fages, Georges614 Mar 195902 Dec 1962
 France Services Fages, Georges115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 France Ferrero, RenĂ©610 Apr 195727 Jul 1957
 Australia Flannery, Denis201 Dec 195615 Dec 1956
 New Zealand Ford, Jim106 Sep 196106 Sep 1961
 Lancashire Foster, Peter226 Sep 195523 Sep 1957
 France Foussat, Jean323 Nov 195728 Jan 1961
 Lancashire Fraser, Eric224 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 France Frassi, Roger110 May 195610 May 1956
 Australia Furner, Don101 Dec 195601 Dec 1956
 Cumberland Garratt, Bill119 Sep 195619 Sep 1956
 Australia Gasnier, Reg717 Oct 195909 Nov 1963
 Cumberland Gibson, Eppie116 Sep 195916 Sep 1959
 Australia Gil, Alan230 Jun 196214 Jul 1962
 Lancashire Gilfedder, Laurie323 Sep 195709 Oct 1961
 Lancashire Goodwin, Dennis224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Rest of League Goodwin, Dennis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 France Gourbal, Yvon226 Mar 196002 Dec 1962
 Rest of the World Gourbal, Yvon110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Lancashire Gowers, Ken229 Oct 195809 Oct 1961
 France Graciet, Jean217 Feb 196211 Mar 1962
 France Services Grangeon, 115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 Lancashire Greenhough, Bobby324 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 New Zealand Grey, Ian211 Nov 195408 Oct 1955
 New Zealand Griffiths, Reese525 Jun 195728 Jul 1962
 Lancashire Grundy, Jack226 Sep 195523 Sep 1957
 France Gruppi, Raymond714 Mar 195917 Nov 1962
 Rest of the World Gruppi, Raymond110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Guilhem, Roger107 Nov 195407 Nov 1954
 France Guiraud, Joseph310 May 195628 Jan 1961
 New Zealand Hadfield, Tom625 Jun 195704 Nov 1961
 Rest of the World Hadfield, Tom110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Australia Hagan, Bob109 Jun 196209 Jun 1962
 New Zealand Haggie, Dick221 Sep 195512 Nov 1955
 Australia Hall, Duncan131 Oct 195431 Oct 1954
 Australia Hambly, Brian417 Oct 195908 Oct 1960
 Rest of the World Hambly, Brian110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Hammond, Don406 Sep 196128 Jul 1962
 Rest of League Harris, Tommy103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Harrison, Earl109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 New Zealand Harrison, Billy104 Nov 196104 Nov 1961
 New Zealand Hawes, Bob112 Nov 195512 Nov 1955
 Australia Hawick, Greg205 Jul 195819 Jul 1958
 Lancashire Hayes, Jack126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 Cumberland Henderson, John111 Sep 195711 Sep 1957
 Rest of League Henderson, Peter103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Holman, Keith731 Oct 195419 Jul 1958
 Cumberland Hosking, Joe116 Sep 195916 Sep 1959
 Cumberland Huddart, Dick419 Sep 195611 Sep 1961
 Rest of League Huddart, Dick112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Hughes, Arthur109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 France Husson, Guy515 Jun 195727 Jul 1957
 Australia Irvine, Ken528 Sep 195909 Nov 1963
 Cumberland Ivison, Billy111 Sep 195711 Sep 1957
 Rest of League Jackson, Ken103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Lancashire Jackson, Phil123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 France Jean, RenĂ©703 Mar 195705 Apr 1959
 France Jiminez, Antoine1407 Nov 195426 Mar 1960
 New Zealand Johnson, Cliff525 Jun 195724 Sep 1960
 Rest of the World Johnson, Cliff110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Other Nationalities Jones, Lewis112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Jones, Lewis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Lancashire Karalius, Vince224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Australia Kearney, Ken831 Oct 195419 Jul 1958
 Rest of League Keavney, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Other Nationalities Kelly, Bob112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Kelly, Bob103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Kelly, Noel208 Oct 196009 Nov 1963
 New Zealand Kennedy, Graham221 Oct 196128 Jul 1962
 New Zealand Kilkelly, Trevor408 Oct 195524 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Kindon, Bill323 Sep 195729 Oct 1958
 Cumberland Kitchen, Phil114 Sep 196014 Sep 1960
 Australia Kite, Ross214 Jun 195805 Jul 1958
 France Krawczyk, Joseph207 Nov 195413 Nov 1954
 France Lacans, Roger202 Mar 195814 Mar 1959
 France Lacaze, AndrĂ©723 Nov 195728 Jan 1961
 France Lacaze, Pierre306 Mar 196028 Jan 1961
 Australia Langlands, Graeme109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 Rest of League Large, Ken112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 New Zealand Lee, Brian104 Nov 196104 Nov 1961
 France LĂ©vy, Francis611 Apr 195603 Nov 1957
 Cumberland Lewthwaite, Jim119 Sep 195619 Sep 1956
 Australia Lisle, Jim114 Jul 196214 Jul 1962
 France Llanas, Roger117 Nov 196217 Nov 1962
 Cumberland Lowden, Syd519 Sep 195611 Sep 1961
 Lancashire Lowe, Gerry126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 France Services Lucia, Guy115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 Australia Lumsden, Eddie628 Sep 195914 Jul 1962
 Cumberland Lynch, Jim214 Sep 196011 Sep 1961
 Australia Lynch, Ron109 Jun 196209 Jun 1962
 Other Nationalities Lynch, Tommy112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Lancashire Major, Bill131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 France Majoral, Roger214 Mar 195905 Apr 1959
 France Majorel, Robert106 Mar 196006 Mar 1960
 France Mantoulan, Claude806 Mar 196002 Dec 1962
 Rest of the World Mantoulan, Claude110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Rest of League Markham, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Marsh, Bill517 Nov 195619 Jul 1958
 Cumberland Martin, Billy111 Sep 196111 Sep 1961
 Lancashire Martyn, Mick229 Oct 195809 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Maxwell, Henry808 Oct 195524 Sep 1960
 Cumberland McAlone, William319 Sep 195616 Sep 1959
 Australia McCaffery, Ken231 Oct 195417 Jun 1957
 Cumberland McCourt, Steve119 Sep 195619 Sep 1956
 New Zealand McDonald, George411 Nov 195417 Dec 1955
 Australia McGovern, Des201 Dec 195615 Dec 1956
 Cumberland McGuinness, Jack111 Sep 195711 Sep 1957
 Lancashire McIntyre, Len224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 New Zealand McKay, Ron311 Nov 195417 Dec 1955
 Cumberland McKeown, John219 Sep 195614 Sep 1960
 Other Nationalities McKinney, Tom112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 New Zealand McLennan, Bill611 Nov 195408 Jul 1957
 Cumberland McNally, Tom111 Sep 196111 Sep 1961
 New Zealand McNicol, Les117 Dec 195517 Dec 1955
 Lancashire McTigue, Brian423 Sep 195731 Aug 1960
 France MĂ©dus, Robert510 May 195623 Nov 1957
 New Zealand Menzies, George821 Sep 195524 Sep 1960
 Rest of the World Menzies, George110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Merquey, Jacques1307 Nov 195401 Oct 1960
 France MĂ©zard, Yves101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 France Michel, Louis126 Jan 195726 Jan 1957
 Australia Moir, Ian531 Oct 195419 Jul 1958
 France Montrucolis, François410 May 195623 Nov 1957
 New Zealand Moore, Roy108 Oct 195508 Oct 1955
 Other Nationalities Moses, Glyn112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Moses, Glyn103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Mossop, Rex814 Jun 195808 Oct 1960
 France Moulinas, Robert126 Mar 196026 Mar 1960
 France Moulis, RenĂ©110 Apr 195710 Apr 1957
 French Services Moyand, H113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 Australia Muir, Barry728 Sep 195909 Nov 1963
 Rest of the World Muir, Barry110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Lancashire Murphy, Alex424 Sep 195809 Oct 1961
 Lancashire Murray, Gordon123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Lancashire Myler, Frank231 Aug 196009 Oct 1961
 France NĂ©dorezoff, Jean126 Jan 195726 Jan 1957
 Lancashire Noon, John109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Lancashire O'Grady, Terry226 Sep 195509 Oct 1961
 Cumberland O'Neill, John316 Sep 195911 Sep 1961
 Australia O'Shea, Kel717 Nov 195619 Jul 1958
 Australia Orrock, Bryan115 Dec 195615 Dec 1956
 Australia Owen, Bill130 Jun 196230 Jun 1962
 Cumberland Palmer, Geoff111 Sep 195711 Sep 1957
 France Pambrun, Jean307 Nov 195426 Jan 1957
 France Panno, Jean211 Dec 196017 Nov 1962
 Australia Parcell, Gary417 Oct 195909 Jun 1962
 France Parent, Augustin821 Oct 195623 Nov 1957
 Australia Parish, Don109 Jun 196209 Jun 1962
 Lancashire Parkinson, George124 Sep 195824 Sep 1958
 Australia Paterson, Jim128 Sep 195928 Sep 1959
 Lancashire Payne, Bill109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Percy, Rex521 Sep 195509 Aug 1958
 French Services Perez, 113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 French Services Peyralade, 113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 Australia Pidding, Noel131 Oct 195431 Oct 1954
 Lancashire Pitchford, Frank126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 France Poletti, Louis201 Oct 196011 Dec 1960
 Australia Poole, Dick417 Nov 195617 Jun 1957
 Rest of League Poynton, Harold112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Prescott, Alan226 Sep 195523 Sep 1957
 Other Nationalities Price, Ray112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Rest of League Price, Ray103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Australia Provan, Norm531 Oct 195419 Jul 1958
 French Services Prudhon, H113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 France Puig, Robert Aubert307 Nov 195410 May 1956
 France Quaglio, Aldo906 Mar 196002 Dec 1962
 Lancashire Quinn, Pat123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Australia Quinn, Paul109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 Australia Raper, Johnny412 Dec 195909 Nov 1963
 Australia Rasmussen, Elton528 Sep 195914 Jul 1962
 New Zealand Ratima, Joe226 Jul 195809 Aug 1958
 Rest of the World Rayner, Billy110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Reidy, Brian406 Sep 196128 Jul 1962
 France Rey, Roger711 Apr 195611 Dec 1960
 Lancashire Rhodes, Austin123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Cumberland Richardson, Jack119 Sep 195619 Sep 1956
 New Zealand Riddell, Jim225 Jun 195708 Jul 1957
 Australia Riley, John228 Sep 195917 Oct 1959
 France Rinaldi, François407 Nov 195421 Oct 1956
 France Rives, AndrĂ©1226 Jan 195705 Apr 1959
 New Zealand Roberts, Keith621 Sep 195524 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Roberts, Trevor109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Robertson, Bruce108 Oct 195508 Oct 1955
 Rest of League Robinson, Don112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Robinson, Geoff219 Sep 195611 Sep 1957
 Cumberland Roper, Sol519 Sep 195611 Sep 1961
 France Services Roques, 115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 France Rouqueirol, Jean921 Oct 195614 Mar 1959
 France Services Rouqueirol, Jean115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 French Services Rouqueirol, Jean113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 Lancashire Sale, John126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 France Save, Armand813 Nov 195427 Jul 1957
 France Savonne, AndrĂ©711 Apr 195611 Dec 1960
 Australia Schofield, Don117 Jun 195717 Jun 1957
 Cumberland Sewell, John116 Sep 195916 Sep 1959
 Rest of League Shaw, Brian112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Rest of League Shaw, Joby112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Simms, Trevor231 Aug 196009 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Smith, Tony128 Jul 196228 Jul 1962
 Cumberland Smith, Bill219 Sep 195611 Sep 1957
 Rest of League Smith, Fred112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Australia Smith, George130 Jun 196230 Jun 1962
 Lancashire Smith, Vin126 Sep 195526 Sep 1955
 New Zealand Snowden, Bill406 Sep 196128 Jul 1962
 New Zealand Sorensen, Bill711 Nov 195424 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Southward, Ike214 Sep 196011 Sep 1961
 Cumberland Stephenson, Eric111 Sep 195711 Sep 1957
 Cumberland Stephenson, Ron116 Sep 195916 Sep 1959
 Australia Summons, Arthur309 Jun 196214 Jul 1962
 Lancashire Tabern, Walter131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 France Tarozzi, Ermes211 Dec 195511 Apr 1956
 France Teisseire, Claude213 Nov 195426 Jan 1957
 Cumberland Tembey, John116 Sep 195916 Sep 1959
 Other Nationalities Thorley, John112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Australia Thornett, Dick109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 Australia Thornett, Ken109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 France Tonus, Serge303 Mar 195702 Mar 1958
 New Zealand Turner, George525 Jun 195724 Sep 1960
 Australia Tyquin, Tom217 Nov 195615 Dec 1956
 France Vadon, AndrĂ©102 Dec 196202 Dec 1962
 France Services Vadon, AndrĂ©115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 Other Nationalities Valentine, Dave112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 France Vanel, Joseph110 May 195610 May 1956
 Australia Veivers, Mick230 Jun 196214 Jul 1962
 France VerdiĂ©, Gilbert613 Nov 195402 Mar 1958
 France VergĂ©, Louis317 Feb 196217 Nov 1962
 France Vergès, Jean126 Mar 196026 Mar 1960
 French Services Vies, H113 Apr 195513 Apr 1955
 France Services Villeneuve, Jean115 Apr 195615 Apr 1956
 Cumberland Vincent, Bobby216 Sep 195914 Sep 1960
 France Voron, Maurice1311 Apr 195626 Mar 1960
 Australia Walsh, Ian828 Sep 195909 Nov 1963
 Australia Watson, Alex531 Oct 195417 Jun 1957
 Cumberland Watts, Ivor111 Sep 195711 Sep 1957
 Australia Wells, Harry931 Oct 195408 Oct 1960
 Rest of League Wilkinson, Jack112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Australia Wilson, Billy428 Sep 195912 Dec 1959
 Cumberland Wilson, Don214 Sep 196011 Sep 1961
 New Zealand Yates, John321 Sep 195508 Jul 1957