Bob Kelly - Team Mates

Player Team Games First Game As Team Mates Last Game As Team Mates
 Other Nationalities Banks, Billy212 Sep 195519 Oct 1955
 Other Nationalities Bath, Harry212 Sep 195519 Oct 1955
 Rest of League Bath, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Bath, Harry107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Other Nationalities Bevan, Brian212 Sep 195519 Oct 1955
 Rest of League Bevan, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Bevan, Brian107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Other Nationalities Boston, Billy212 Sep 195519 Oct 1955
 Great Britain Briggs, Brian111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Other Nationalities Clues, Arthur112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955
 Great Britain Davies, Alan111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Rest of League Dawson, Edgar103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Great Britain Fox, Don111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Other Nationalities Goldswain, Bryn119 Oct 195519 Oct 1955
 Rest of League Goodwin, Dennis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Greenall, Doug107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Rest of League Harris, Tommy103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Great Britain Haynes, Gordon111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Rugby League XIII Haynes, Gordon107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Rest of League Henderson, Peter103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Great Britain Holliday, Keith111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Rest of League Jackson, Ken103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Other Nationalities James, Granville119 Oct 195519 Oct 1955
 Other Nationalities Jones, Lewis212 Sep 195519 Oct 1955
 Rest of League Jones, Lewis103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Karalius, Vince107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Rest of League Keavney, Brian103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Other Nationalities Lynch, Tommy212 Sep 195519 Oct 1955
 Rest of League Markham, Harry103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Great Britain McKeown, John111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Other Nationalities McKinney, Tom212 Sep 195519 Oct 1955
 Rugby League XIII McLean, Jack107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Other Nationalities Moses, Glyn212 Sep 195519 Oct 1955
 Rest of League Moses, Glyn103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Great Britain Naughton, Albert111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Rugby League XIII Naughton, Albert107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Rugby League XIII Phillips, Joe107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Rugby League XIII Pitchford, Frank107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Other Nationalities Price, Ray212 Sep 195519 Oct 1955
 Rest of League Price, Ray103 Oct 195603 Oct 1956
 Rugby League XIII Price, Ray107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Great Britain Robinson, Don111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Great Britain Smith, Sam111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Rugby League XIII Smith, Sam107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Great Britain Southward, Ike111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Great Britain Sullivan, Mick111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Great Britain Thorley, John111 Apr 195611 Apr 1956
 Other Nationalities Thorley, John212 Sep 195519 Oct 1955
 Rugby League XIII Thorley, John107 Dec 195507 Dec 1955
 Other Nationalities Valentine, Dave112 Sep 195512 Sep 1955