Johnny Whiteley - Team Mates

Player Team Games First Game As Team Mates Last Game As Team Mates
 England Ackerley, Alvin111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Ackerley, Alvin704 Jun 195824 Aug 1958
 Yorkshire Anderson, Joe328 Apr 195314 Oct 1953
 Rest of the World Apelian, Antranick129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Great Britain Archer, Harry524 May 195830 Jul 1958
 Great Britain Whites Ashcroft, Ernie124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Great Britain Ashton, Eric2217 Jun 195717 Feb 1962
 Great Britain White XIII Ashton, Eric112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Rest of the World Ashton, Eric129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Great Britain White XIII Ayres, Dennis112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Great Britain Barton, John112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Bawden, Jim129 Mar 195429 Mar 1954
 Rest of the World Belsham, Sel129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Rest of the World Benausse, Gilbert129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 England Blan, Albert111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Bolton, Dave1104 Jun 195817 Feb 1962
 Great Britain Boston, Billy509 Jun 195717 Feb 1962
 Yorkshire Bowden, Jim205 Oct 195314 Oct 1953
 Yorkshire Bowman, Keith329 Sep 195230 Aug 1954
 Yorkshire Bradshaw, Harry229 Mar 195430 Aug 1954
 Great Britain Whites Briggs, Brian124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Yorkshire Briggs, Brian129 Mar 195429 Mar 1954
 Yorkshire Broughton, George205 Oct 195314 Oct 1953
 Yorkshire Brown, Gordon123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Burnett, John231 Aug 196014 Sep 1960
 Great Britain Carlton, Frank421 Jun 195826 Jul 1958
 Great Britain Challinor, Jim624 May 195801 Oct 1960
 Great Britain Clawson, Terry117 Feb 196217 Feb 1962
 Yorkshire Clawson, Terry131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 Yorkshire Clifft, Colin123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Cluderay, Ken129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Yorkshire Coverdale, Bob121 Sep 195521 Sep 1955
 England Cracknell, Dick111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Yorkshire Cracknell, Dick729 Sep 195221 Sep 1955
 Great Britain Whites Cunliffe, Jack124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Great Britain Dagnall, Bob221 Oct 196104 Nov 1961
 Great Britain Davies, Alan1509 Jun 195701 Oct 1960
 Great Britain White XIII Davies, Malcolm112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Dean, Ken429 Sep 195214 Oct 1953
 Great Britain Devereux, Don112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Great Britain Dixon, Malcolm117 Feb 196217 Feb 1962
 Yorkshire Dixon, Malcolm114 Sep 196014 Sep 1960
 Great Britain Dyson, Frank121 Nov 195921 Nov 1959
 Yorkshire Dyson, Frank323 Sep 195714 Sep 1960
 Great Britain Edgar, Brian624 May 195802 Aug 1958
 Great Britain White XIII Edwards, Jackie112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Etty, John123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Great Britain Evans, Roy221 Oct 196104 Nov 1961
 Yorkshire Evans, Sam123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Fairbank, Jack109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Yorkshire Fearnley, Albert428 Apr 195330 Aug 1954
 Yorkshire Fletcher, Arthur229 Mar 195430 Aug 1954
 Great Britain Fox, Neil805 Apr 195917 Feb 1962
 Yorkshire Fox, Neil331 Aug 196009 Oct 1961
 Great Britain Fraser, Eric1424 May 195804 Nov 1961
 Yorkshire Froggett, Don628 Apr 195321 Sep 1955
 Great Britain Gabbitas, Brian105 Apr 195905 Apr 1959
 Yorkshire Gabbitas, Brian109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Great Britain Goodwin, Dennis604 Jun 195824 Aug 1958
 England Greenall, Doug111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Whites Greenall, Doug124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Great Britain Greenhough, Bobby212 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 Great Britain Grundy, Jack317 Jun 195720 Jul 1957
 Great Britain Gunney, Geoff409 Jun 195720 Jul 1957
 Rest of the World Gunney, Geoff129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Yorkshire Gunney, Geoff223 Sep 195709 Oct 1961
 Yorkshire Hallas, Derek109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Yorkshire Hammill, Len109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Great Britain Harris, Tommy1809 Jun 195724 Sep 1960
 England Helme, Gerry111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Herbert, Norman104 Nov 196104 Nov 1961
 Great Britain White XIII Herbert, Norman112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Hirst, Mick121 Sep 195521 Sep 1955
 Yorkshire Holliday, Keith109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 England Horne, Willie111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Whites Horne, Willie124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Great Britain Huddart, Dick1224 May 195817 Feb 1962
 Great Britain Jackson, Ken324 May 195822 Jun 1958
 Great Britain Jackson, Phil909 Jun 195724 Aug 1958
 Rest of the World Johnson, Cliff129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Rest of the World Jones, Berwyn129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Great Britain Jones, Lewis509 Jun 195720 Jul 1957
 Great Britain Karalius, Vince705 Jul 195801 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Kellett, Alan131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 Yorkshire Kellett, Cyril109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Yorkshire Kielty, Stan629 Sep 195223 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Ledgard, Jimmy329 Sep 195214 Oct 1953
 Great Britain Little, Sid509 Jun 195720 Jul 1957
 Great Britain Whites Llewellyn, Steve124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Yorkshire Lockwood, Alan109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Yorkshire Markham, Harry228 Apr 195321 Sep 1955
 Great Britain Martyn, Mick704 Jun 195824 Aug 1958
 Great Britain White XIII Martyn, Mick112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Rest of the World Maxwell, Henry129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 England McCormick, Stan111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Great Britain McKinney, Tom106 Jul 195706 Jul 1957
 Great Britain White XIII McKinney, Tom112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Great Britain Whites McKinney, Tom124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Great Britain McTigue, Brian1804 Jun 195804 Nov 1961
 Rest of the World Merquey, Jacques129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Yorkshire Mortimer, Frank121 Sep 195521 Sep 1955
 Great Britain Moses, Glyn1209 Jun 195724 Aug 1958
 Great Britain White XIII Moses, Glyn112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Mullaney, Joe230 Aug 195421 Sep 1955
 Great Britain Murphy, Alex1614 Jun 195817 Feb 1962
 Great Britain Myler, Frank312 Sep 196001 Oct 1960
 England Naughton, Albert111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Yorkshire Noble, Ken109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Great Britain Whites O'Grady, Terry124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 England Pawsey, Charlie111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Whites Pawsey, Charlie124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Great Britain Pitchford, Frank524 May 195826 Jul 1958
 Great Britain White XIII Pitchford, Frank112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Poole, Bernard229 Sep 195230 Aug 1954
 Yorkshire Poynton, Harold114 Sep 196014 Sep 1960
 England Prescott, Alan111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Prescott, Alan909 Jun 195705 Jul 1958
 Great Britain Price, Ray109 Jun 195709 Jun 1957
 Great Britain Rhodes, Austin501 Jul 195701 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Riches, Bill629 Sep 195230 Aug 1954
 Rest of the World Riddell, Jim129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Great Britain Robinson, Don321 Nov 195926 Mar 1960
 Yorkshire Robinson, Don230 Aug 195431 Aug 1960
 Great Britain Round, Gerry212 Dec 195917 Feb 1962
 Yorkshire Rylance, Ron129 Mar 195429 Mar 1954
 England Schofield, Derrick111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Whites Scott, Mick124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Yorkshire Scott, Mick629 Sep 195223 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Scroby, Jack114 Sep 196014 Sep 1960
 Great Britain Shaw, Brian101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 Great Britain Shaw, Joby101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Shaw, Joby231 Aug 196014 Sep 1960
 Great Britain Simms, Barry117 Feb 196217 Feb 1962
 England Slevin, Ted111 Apr 195311 Apr 1953
 Yorkshire Smith, Fred231 Aug 196014 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Smith, Sam528 Apr 195323 Sep 1957
 Yorkshire Snowden, Alan123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957
 Rest of the World Sorensen, Bill129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Great Britain Southward, Ike1324 May 195826 Mar 1960
 Great Britain White XIII Southward, Ike112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Great Britain Stevenson, Jeff809 Jun 195726 Mar 1960
 Yorkshire Stevenson, Jeff231 Aug 196014 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Storey, Tony205 Oct 195314 Oct 1953
 Yorkshire Street, Harry129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Great Britain Sullivan, Mick2509 Jun 195717 Feb 1962
 Yorkshire Sullivan, Mick521 Sep 195509 Oct 1961
 Great Britain Terry, Abe1214 Jun 195817 Feb 1962
 Yorkshire Thompson, Stan328 Apr 195330 Aug 1954
 Great Britain Whites Toohey, Ted124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Yorkshire Traill, Ken229 Mar 195421 Sep 1955
 Yorkshire Tullock, Geoff128 Apr 195328 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Turner, Rocky709 Jun 195724 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Turner, Rocky231 Aug 196014 Sep 1960
 Great Britain Vines, Don314 Mar 195921 Nov 1959
 Rest of the World Voron, Maurice129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Yorkshire Ward, Ernest129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Yorkshire Waterworth, Gary109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Great Britain Wilkinson, Jack412 Dec 195901 Oct 1960
 Great Britain White XIII Wilkinson, Jack112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Great Britain Whites Wilkinson, Jack124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Yorkshire Wilkinson, Jack231 Aug 196014 Sep 1960
 Great Britain Winslade, Charlie105 Apr 195905 Apr 1959
 Great Britain White XIII Winslade, Charlie112 Mar 195812 Mar 1958
 Yorkshire Wood, Arthur129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Great Britain Wookey, Bill304 Jun 195824 Aug 1958
 Yorkshire Woolford, Cyril123 Sep 195723 Sep 1957