Frank Myler - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 Cumberland Ackerley, Alvin131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 New Zealand Ackland, Ron124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 France Aillères, Georges406 Dec 196404 Mar 1967
 Cumberland Allen, Howard224 Sep 196911 Nov 1970
 New Zealand Amer, Allen113 Sep 196113 Sep 1961
 France Andrieu, Guy122 Jan 196722 Jan 1967
 France Apelian, Antranick211 Dec 196028 Jan 1961
 Cumberland Archer, Harry412 Sep 196212 Oct 1966
 Yorkshire Aspinall, Bill121 Sep 196621 Sep 1966
 Yorkshire Atkinson, John124 Jan 196824 Jan 1968
 New Zealand Bailey, Roger919 Aug 196125 Jul 1970
 New Zealand Baker, Ted120 Aug 196620 Aug 1966
 France Ballouhey, Bertrand123 Jan 196523 Jan 1965
 Australia Barnes, Keith208 Oct 196016 Jul 1966
 France Barthe, Jean401 Oct 196002 Dec 1962
 Australia Beattie, Dud108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Rest of the World Beattie, Dud110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Australia Beetson, Arthur306 Jun 197004 Jul 1970
 Cumberland Bell, Eric302 Oct 196312 Oct 1966
 France Benausse, Gilbert328 Jan 196102 Dec 1962
 France Bescos, Marcel328 Jan 196123 Jan 1965
 Cumberland Bettinson, Les320 Sep 196512 Sep 1967
 Australia Boden, Ron108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Rest of the World Boden, Ron110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Bonal, Élie128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 New Zealand Bond, Jim113 Sep 196113 Sep 1961
 France Bonet, Floréal128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 Cumberland Bonnar, Joe111 Nov 197011 Nov 1970
 France Bourreil, André217 Nov 196202 Dec 1962
 Cumberland Bowman, Eddie224 Sep 196911 Nov 1970
 Yorkshire Bowman, Ken111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Australia Branighan, Ray224 Oct 197007 Nov 1970
 Australia Brass, John306 Jun 197004 Jul 1970
 Cumberland Breen, Aidan231 Aug 195927 May 1961
 Cumberland Brennan, Eddie227 May 196112 Sep 1962
 New Zealand Brereton, Mocky311 Jul 197025 Jul 1970
 Yorkshire Briggs, Brian211 Nov 195926 Sep 1962
 Yorkshire Brooke, Ian121 Sep 196621 Sep 1966
 Australia Brown, John124 Oct 197024 Oct 1970
 New Zealand Brown, Leo113 Oct 196513 Oct 1965
 Australia Brown, Tony108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 France Bruzy, Guy306 Dec 196404 Mar 1967
 Yorkshire Bryant, Bill121 Sep 196621 Sep 1966
 Yorkshire Burnett, John211 Nov 195931 Aug 1960
 Yorkshire Burwell, Alan124 Jan 196824 Jan 1968
 New Zealand Butterfield, Jock324 Sep 196013 Sep 1961
 France Cabero, Jacques128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 France Capdouze, Jean128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 France Carias, Patrick123 Jan 196523 Jan 1965
 Australia Carlson, Brian108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 France Carrère, André217 Nov 196202 Dec 1962
 New Zealand Carson, Eric219 Jul 197025 Jul 1970
 France Casas, André101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Castle, Bruce113 Sep 196113 Sep 1961
 Rest of League Challinor, Jim112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 France Chamorin, Henri122 Jan 196722 Jan 1967
 Cumberland Charlton, Paul520 Sep 196511 Nov 1970
 New Zealand Christian, Roy725 Sep 196525 Jul 1970
 France Clar, Jean-Pierre423 Jan 196528 Oct 1970
 Yorkshire Clark, Mick124 Jan 196824 Jan 1968
 New Zealand Clarke, Gary120 Aug 196620 Aug 1966
 Yorkshire Clawson, Terry331 Aug 196021 Sep 1966
 Australia Cleary, Michael125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 Yorkshire Close, Don226 Sep 196224 Jan 1968
 Rest of League Collier, Frank112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Colloby, Tony502 Oct 196311 Nov 1970
 France Colombiès, Jean122 Jan 196722 Jan 1967
 France Conti, Honoré102 Dec 196202 Dec 1962
 New Zealand Cooke, Mel324 Sep 196013 Sep 1961
 New Zealand Cooke, Reg219 Aug 196113 Sep 1961
 Australia Coote, Ron511 Oct 196707 Nov 1970
 Australia Cootes, John306 Jun 197007 Nov 1970
 Australia Costello, Ron204 Jul 197007 Nov 1970
 Cumberland Coupe, John112 Sep 196712 Sep 1967
 France Courtine, Étienne206 Dec 196423 Jan 1965
 France Crémoux, Gérard128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 France Cros, Jean-Claude128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 Rest of League Davies, Alan112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Davies, Keith312 Sep 196711 Nov 1970
 Australia Day, Ken109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 France de Nadaï, Francis128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 New Zealand Deacon, Bill625 Sep 196525 Jul 1970
 New Zealand Denton, Neville124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 Australia Dimond, Peter109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 New Zealand Dixon, Kevin213 Oct 196525 Jul 1970
 Cumberland Donaldson, Ray127 May 196127 May 1961
 Yorkshire Dooler, Carl226 Sep 196221 Sep 1966
 France Doulieu, Alain123 Jan 196523 Jan 1965
 Cumberland Drake, James231 Aug 195912 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Drake, William331 Aug 195912 Sep 1962
 France Dubié, Pierre222 Jan 196704 Mar 1967
 France Dubon, Jacques201 Oct 196002 Dec 1962
 France Dusseigneur, Édouard106 Dec 196406 Dec 1964
 Rest of League Dyson, Frank112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Dyson, Frank411 Nov 195911 Sep 1963
 New Zealand Eastlake, Cyril124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 Rest of the World Eastlake, Cyril110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Cumberland Edgar, Brian402 Oct 196312 Sep 1967
 Rest of League Edwards, Jackie112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 New Zealand Edwards, Sam519 Aug 196120 Aug 1966
 Yorkshire Elliott, Dave226 Sep 196211 Sep 1963
 New Zealand Emery, Maunga519 Aug 196106 Aug 1966
 France Eramouspé, Robert401 Oct 196002 Dec 1962
 Rest of the World Eramouspé, Robert110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Esquiva, Antoine123 Jan 196523 Jan 1965
 France Estieau, Serge228 Jan 196117 Nov 1962
 France Fabre, Bernard328 Jan 196102 Dec 1962
 New Zealand Fagan, Jack319 Aug 196113 Oct 1965
 France Fages, Georges311 Dec 196002 Dec 1962
 Yorkshire Fairbank, Jack109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Farrar, Graeme206 Aug 196620 Aug 1966
 France Ferren, André206 Dec 196422 Jan 1967
 Yorkshire Field, Norman111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Australia Fitzsimmons, Brian120 Jun 197020 Jun 1970
 Yorkshire Flanagan, Flash211 Sep 196321 Sep 1966
 Cumberland Foster, Frank202 Oct 196311 Nov 1970
 France Foussat, Jean211 Dec 196028 Jan 1961
 Yorkshire Fox, Neil611 Nov 195924 Jan 1968
 Australia Fulton, Bob304 Jul 197007 Nov 1970
 Yorkshire Gabbitas, Brian109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Gailey, Doug311 Jul 197025 Jul 1970
 Cumberland Gainford, Tom124 Sep 196924 Sep 1969
 Australia Gallagher, Peter125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 France Garnung, Roger406 Dec 196404 Mar 1967
 Australia Gasnier, Reg308 Oct 196011 Oct 1967
 Cumberland Gibson, Eppie131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Australia Gleeson, John216 Jul 196611 Oct 1967
 Yorkshire Goodchild, Peter121 Sep 196621 Sep 1966
 France Gourbal, Yvon202 Dec 196206 Dec 1964
 Rest of the World Gourbal, Yvon110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Australia Grant, Bob104 Jul 197004 Jul 1970
 Australia Greaves, John116 Jul 196616 Jul 1966
 France Gruppi, Jacques104 Mar 196704 Mar 1967
 France Gruppi, Raymond401 Oct 196017 Nov 1962
 Rest of the World Gruppi, Raymond110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Guiraud, Germain128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 France Guiraud, Joseph201 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 Yorkshire Gunney, Geoff109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Hadfield, Tom224 Sep 196019 Aug 1961
 Rest of the World Hadfield, Tom110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Hallas, Derek109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Australia Hambly, Brian208 Oct 196025 Sep 1963
 Rest of the World Hambly, Brian110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Hammill, Len209 Oct 196126 Sep 1962
 New Zealand Hammond, Don319 Aug 196113 Oct 1965
 Australia Harris, Mark224 Oct 197007 Nov 1970
 Australia Harrison, Earl225 Sep 196309 Nov 1963
 Yorkshire Hartley, Dennis121 Sep 196621 Sep 1966
 Australia Hawthorne, Phil306 Jun 197004 Jul 1970
 Yorkshire Hepworth, Alan124 Jan 196824 Jan 1968
 New Zealand Hibbs, John211 Jul 197019 Jul 1970
 Cumberland Hill, Tom312 Sep 196212 Sep 1967
 Yorkshire Hirst, Jack111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Holliday, Bill120 Sep 196520 Sep 1965
 Yorkshire Holliday, Keith109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Cumberland Hosking, Joe131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Cumberland Huddart, Dick331 Aug 195902 Oct 1963
 Rest of League Huddart, Dick112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Hurt, Derek102 Oct 196302 Oct 1963
 Australia Irvine, Ken425 Sep 196311 Oct 1967
 New Zealand Irvine, Bob113 Oct 196513 Oct 1965
 Yorkshire Jackson, Duncan126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Australia Johns, Les225 Sep 196311 Oct 1967
 New Zealand Johnson, Cliff124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 Rest of the World Johnson, Cliff110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Keegan, Arthur221 Sep 196624 Jan 1968
 Yorkshire Kellett, Alan211 Nov 195931 Aug 1960
 Yorkshire Kellett, Cyril109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Australia Kelly, Noel508 Oct 196011 Oct 1967
 New Zealand Kennedy, Graham519 Aug 196120 Aug 1966
 New Zealand Kilkelly, Trevor124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 Australia King, Johnny516 Jul 196604 Jul 1970
 Cumberland Kirkbride, Bill112 Sep 196712 Sep 1967
 Cumberland Kitchin, Phil327 May 196112 Sep 1967
 Yorkshire Kosanovic, Milan111 Nov 195911 Nov 1959
 New Zealand Kriletich, Tony311 Jul 197025 Jul 1970
 France Lacaze, André301 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 France Lacaze, Pierre528 Jan 196104 Mar 1967
 New Zealand Ladner, Don311 Jul 197025 Jul 1970
 Australia Laird, Ray120 Jun 197020 Jun 1970
 Australia Langlands, Graeme425 Sep 196306 Jun 1970
 Rest of League Large, Ken112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 France Lecompte, Jean-Pierre306 Dec 196404 Mar 1967
 New Zealand Lee, Brian219 Aug 196113 Sep 1961
 France Llanas, Roger117 Nov 196217 Nov 1962
 Yorkshire Lockwood, Alan109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 Cumberland Lowden, Syd531 Aug 195912 Oct 1966
 New Zealand Lowther, Bernie211 Jul 197025 Jul 1970
 Cumberland Lynch, Jim102 Oct 196302 Oct 1963
 Australia Lynch, Ron316 Jul 196606 Jun 1970
 Cumberland Maddison, Harry124 Sep 196924 Sep 1969
 Yorkshire Major, Terry211 Sep 196324 Jan 1968
 Australia Manteit, Dennis111 Oct 196711 Oct 1967
 France Mantoulan, Claude601 Oct 196022 Jan 1967
 Rest of the World Mantoulan, Claude110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Marracq, Henri306 Dec 196404 Mar 1967
 France Marsolan, Serge128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 Cumberland Martin, Dennis212 Oct 196624 Sep 1969
 Cumberland Martin, Ray111 Nov 197011 Nov 1970
 Cumberland Martin, Billy427 May 196112 Sep 1967
 France Marty, Jean-Claude222 Jan 196704 Mar 1967
 New Zealand Mattson, Graham225 Sep 196513 Oct 1965
 New Zealand Maxwell, Henry124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 France Mazard, Hervé204 Mar 196728 Oct 1970
 Cumberland McAlone, William131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Australia McCarthy, Bob304 Jul 197007 Nov 1970
 Cumberland McCourt, Harold224 Sep 196911 Nov 1970
 Australia McDonald, John411 Oct 196704 Jul 1970
 Cumberland McFarlane, John320 Sep 196511 Nov 1970
 Australia McKean, Allan104 Jul 197004 Jul 1970
 Cumberland McLeod, Matt312 Sep 196212 Oct 1966
 Cumberland McNally, Tom112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 New Zealand Menzies, George124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 Rest of the World Menzies, George110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Merquey, Jacques101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 France Mézard, Yves101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 Yorkshire Millward, Roger124 Jan 196824 Jan 1968
 New Zealand Mincham, Bob106 Aug 196606 Aug 1966
 France Molinier, Michel128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 France Montcel, Antoine122 Jan 196722 Jan 1967
 New Zealand Moore, Eddie106 Aug 196606 Aug 1966
 Cumberland Moore, Les220 Sep 196511 Nov 1970
 Australia Morgan, Jim206 Jun 197004 Jul 1970
 Yorkshire Morgan, Ron111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Morris, Rodney111 Nov 197011 Nov 1970
 Cumberland Moss, Malcolm227 May 196112 Oct 1966
 Cumberland Mossop, Joe112 Sep 196212 Sep 1962
 Australia Mossop, Rex108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Australia Muir, Barry308 Oct 196009 Nov 1963
 Rest of the World Muir, Barry110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Cumberland Newall, Jackie212 Oct 196612 Sep 1967
 Cumberland Nicholson, Bobby111 Nov 197011 Nov 1970
 Yorkshire Noble, Ken109 Oct 196109 Oct 1961
 New Zealand O'Neil, Colin625 Sep 196525 Jul 1970
 Cumberland O'Neil, John131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Australia O'Neill, John224 Oct 197007 Nov 1970
 Cumberland O'Neill, John327 May 196102 Oct 1963
 Australia O'Reilly, Bob224 Oct 197007 Nov 1970
 New Zealand Orchard, Philip211 Jul 197019 Jul 1970
 New Zealand Orchard, Robert513 Oct 196525 Jul 1970
 France Ourliac, Aimé104 Mar 196704 Mar 1967
 France Panno, Jean411 Dec 196023 Jan 1965
 Australia Parcell, Gary108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Patrick, Trevor111 Jul 197011 Jul 1970
 Cumberland Pattinson, Bill312 Oct 196624 Sep 1969
 France Pellerin, Daniel128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 France Pialat, Serge104 Mar 196704 Mar 1967
 Australia Pittard, Denis124 Oct 197024 Oct 1970
 France Poletti, Louis201 Oct 196011 Dec 1960
 Yorkshire Poole, Harry211 Nov 195921 Sep 1966
 France Poux, Jacques123 Jan 196523 Jan 1965
 Rest of League Poynton, Harold112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 France Quaglio, Aldo501 Oct 196002 Dec 1962
 Australia Quinn, Paul109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 Cumberland Rae, Johnny120 Sep 196520 Sep 1965
 Yorkshire Ramsey, Bill124 Jan 196824 Jan 1968
 Yorkshire Ramshaw, Terry221 Sep 196624 Jan 1968
 Australia Raper, Johnny325 Sep 196311 Oct 1967
 Australia Rasmussen, Elton208 Oct 196011 Oct 1967
 Rest of the World Rayner, Billy110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Redmond, Wayne125 Jul 197025 Jul 1970
 New Zealand Reidy, Brian519 Aug 196120 Aug 1966
 France Rey, Roger201 Oct 196011 Dec 1960
 France Ribot, Guy122 Jan 196722 Jan 1967
 New Zealand Roberts, Keith124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 Rest of League Robinson, Don112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Robinson, Don211 Nov 195931 Aug 1960
 Cumberland Roper, Sol431 Aug 195902 Oct 1963
 France Ruiz, Andre128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 Australia Rushworth, Barry125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Ryan, Bobby124 Sep 196924 Sep 1969
 France Sabatié, Christian128 Oct 197028 Oct 1970
 Australia Saddler, Ron111 Oct 196711 Oct 1967
 Australia Sait, Paul224 Oct 197007 Nov 1970
 Australia Sattler, John120 Jun 197020 Jun 1970
 France Savonne, André111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 France Savonne, Gérard206 Dec 196404 Mar 1967
 New Zealand Scholefield, Robin113 Oct 196513 Oct 1965
 New Zealand Schultz, Paul125 Sep 196525 Sep 1965
 New Zealand Schultz, Bill113 Oct 196513 Oct 1965
 New Zealand Schuster, Fred119 Jul 197019 Jul 1970
 Yorkshire Scroby, Jack121 Sep 196621 Sep 1966
 Yorkshire Seabourne, Barry124 Jan 196824 Jan 1968
 France Ségura, René406 Dec 196404 Mar 1967
 Rest of League Shaw, Brian112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Rest of League Shaw, Joby112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Shaw, Joby131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 Yorkshire Shelton, Geoff226 Sep 196211 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Shepherd, Louis102 Oct 196302 Oct 1963
 Cumberland Shimmings, John124 Sep 196924 Sep 1969
 Yorkshire Shoebottom, Mick121 Sep 196621 Sep 1966
 Australia Simms, Eric224 Oct 197007 Nov 1970
 Australia Smith, Billy616 Jul 196607 Nov 1970
 Rest of League Smith, Fred112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Smith, Fred131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 New Zealand Smith, Garry206 Aug 196620 Aug 1966
 Yorkshire Smith, Geoff126 Sep 196226 Sep 1962
 Cumberland Smith, Bill120 Sep 196520 Sep 1965
 Cumberland Smith, Rodney112 Sep 196712 Sep 1967
 Yorkshire Snowden, Alan111 Nov 195911 Nov 1959
 New Zealand Snowden, Bill319 Aug 196125 Sep 1965
 New Zealand Sorensen, Bill124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 New Zealand Southorn, Willie120 Aug 196620 Aug 1966
 Cumberland Southward, Ike227 May 196120 Sep 1965
 Cumberland Stephenson, Ron131 Aug 195931 Aug 1959
 Yorkshire Stevenson, Jeff211 Nov 195931 Aug 1960
 New Zealand Strong, Robin113 Oct 196513 Oct 1965
 Australia Sullivan, Gary124 Oct 197024 Oct 1970
 Yorkshire Sullivan, Mick231 Aug 196009 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Tait, Roger225 Sep 196506 Aug 1966
 Cumberland Tembey, John331 Aug 195902 Oct 1963
 Australia Thornett, Dick325 Sep 196316 Jul 1966
 Australia Thornett, Ken109 Nov 196309 Nov 1963
 Yorkshire Turner, Rocky131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 New Zealand Turner, George124 Sep 196024 Sep 1960
 Australia Turner, Ron224 Oct 197007 Nov 1970
 Yorkshire Tyson, Brian226 Sep 196211 Sep 1963
 Australia Unrecorded_14, 316 Jul 196604 Jul 1970
 Cumberland Unrecorded_14, 212 Sep 196711 Nov 1970
 New Zealand Unrecorded_14, 325 Sep 196519 Jul 1970
 Australia Unrecorded_15, 416 Jul 196604 Jul 1970
 Cumberland Unrecorded_15, 212 Oct 196612 Sep 1967
 France Unrecorded_15, 106 Dec 196406 Dec 1964
 New Zealand Unrecorded_15, 625 Sep 196525 Jul 1970
 Yorkshire Unrecorded_15, 124 Jan 196824 Jan 1968
 France Vadon, André102 Dec 196202 Dec 1962
 Australia Veivers, Mick116 Jul 196616 Jul 1966
 France Vergé, Louis117 Nov 196217 Nov 1962
 New Zealand Walker, Rodney111 Jul 197011 Jul 1970
 Australia Walsh, Ian325 Sep 196316 Jul 1966
 Australia Walters, Elwyn511 Oct 196707 Nov 1970
 Yorkshire Walton, Doug124 Jan 196824 Jan 1968
 Yorkshire Ward, Fred311 Nov 195911 Sep 1963
 Yorkshire Waterworth, Gary209 Oct 196111 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Wear, Bob312 Oct 196624 Sep 1969
 Australia Weiss, Col206 Jun 197020 Jun 1970
 Australia Wells, Harry108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 New Zealand White, Pat113 Oct 196513 Oct 1965
 Yorkshire Whiteley, Johnny231 Aug 196009 Oct 1961
 New Zealand Wiggs, Ernie120 Aug 196620 Aug 1966
 Rest of League Wilkinson, Jack112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Yorkshire Wilkinson, Jack211 Nov 195931 Aug 1960
 New Zealand Williams, Ray125 Jul 197025 Jul 1970
 Australia Williamson, Lionel224 Oct 197007 Nov 1970
 Cumberland Wilson, Don127 May 196127 May 1961
 Australia Wittenberg, John316 Jul 196620 Jun 1970
 Yorkshire Woolford, Cyril111 Nov 195911 Nov 1959
 Yorkshire Wrigglesworth, Brian111 Sep 196311 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Wright, Ian224 Sep 196911 Nov 1970
 Yorkshire Wriglesworth, Geoff121 Sep 196621 Sep 1966
 Yorkshire Young, Chris124 Jan 196824 Jan 1968