Joby Shaw - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 New Zealand Ackland, Ron111 Aug 196211 Aug 1962
 New Zealand Amer, Allen116 Sep 196116 Sep 1961
 France Apelian, Antranick211 Dec 196028 Jan 1961
 Cumberland Archer, Harry125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 Great Britain Ashton, Eric112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Ashton, Eric224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 New Zealand Bailey, Gary116 Sep 196116 Sep 1961
 New Zealand Bailey, Roger216 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 Australia Barnes, Keith108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 France Barthe, Jean301 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 Great Britain Barton, John112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Barton, John324 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Australia Beattie, Dud108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Rest of the World Beattie, Dud110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Cumberland Bell, Eric125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 France Benausse, Gilbert128 Jan 196128 Jan 1961
 France Bescos, Marcel128 Jan 196128 Jan 1961
 Australia Boden, Ron108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Rest of the World Boden, Ron110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Bond, Jim216 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 Lancashire Brennan, Jackie224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Australia Brown, Tony108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Butterfield, Jock216 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 Australia Carlson, Brian108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 France Casas, André101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 Lancashire Challinor, Jim131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 Australia Cleary, John118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 Australia Cleary, Michael118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 Lancashire Collier, Frank224 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Cumberland Colloby, Tony125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 New Zealand Cooke, Mel216 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 Lancashire Davies, Alan229 Oct 195831 Aug 1960
 New Zealand Denton, Neville111 Aug 196211 Aug 1962
 Great Britain Devereux, Don112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Australia Dimond, Peter118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Drake, James114 Sep 196014 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Drake, William214 Sep 196025 Sep 1963
 France Dubon, Jacques101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Duffy, Ron116 Sep 196116 Sep 1961
 Rest of the World Eastlake, Cyril110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Cumberland Edgar, Brian214 Sep 196025 Sep 1963
 New Zealand Edwards, Sam216 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 New Zealand Emery, Maunga216 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 France Eramouspé, Robert201 Oct 196011 Dec 1960
 Rest of the World Eramouspé, Robert110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Estieau, Serge128 Jan 196128 Jan 1961
 France Fabre, Bernard128 Jan 196128 Jan 1961
 New Zealand Fagan, Jack216 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 France Fages, Georges111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Cumberland Foster, Frank125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 France Foussat, Jean211 Dec 196028 Jan 1961
 Great Britain Fox, Neil112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Fraser, Eric224 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Australia Gallagher, Peter118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 Australia Gasnier, Reg108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Lancashire Gilfedder, Laurie131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 Lancashire Goodwin, Dennis224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Rest of the World Gourbal, Yvon110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Lancashire Gowers, Ken129 Oct 195829 Oct 1958
 Great Britain Greenhough, Bobby112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Greenhough, Bobby324 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 France Gruppi, Raymond301 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 Rest of the World Gruppi, Raymond110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Guiraud, Joseph201 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 Rest of the World Hadfield, Tom110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Australia Hambly, Brian208 Oct 196018 Sep 1963
 Rest of the World Hambly, Brian110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Hammond, Don216 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 Great Britain Harris, Tommy112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Huddart, Dick114 Sep 196014 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Hurt, Derek125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 Australia Irvine, Ken118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 Rest of the World Johnson, Cliff110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Lancashire Karalius, Vince224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Australia Kelly, Noel208 Oct 196018 Sep 1963
 New Zealand Kennedy, Graham111 Aug 196211 Aug 1962
 Lancashire Kindon, Bill224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Cumberland Kitchen, Phil114 Sep 196014 Sep 1960
 France Lacaze, André301 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 France Lacaze, Pierre128 Jan 196128 Jan 1961
 Australia Lisle, Jim118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Lowden, Syd214 Sep 196025 Sep 1963
 Cumberland Lynch, Jim214 Sep 196025 Sep 1963
 Lancashire Major, Bill131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 France Mantoulan, Claude301 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 Rest of the World Mantoulan, Claude110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Lancashire Martyn, Mick129 Oct 195829 Oct 1958
 Lancashire McIntyre, Len224 Sep 195829 Oct 1958
 Cumberland McKeown, John114 Sep 196014 Sep 1960
 Cumberland McLeod, Matt125 Sep 196325 Sep 1963
 Great Britain McTigue, Brian112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire McTigue, Brian324 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Rest of the World Menzies, George110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 France Merquey, Jacques101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 France Mézard, Yves101 Oct 196001 Oct 1960
 Australia Mossop, Rex108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Australia Muir, Barry108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Rest of the World Muir, Barry110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 Great Britain Murphy, Alex112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Murphy, Alex324 Sep 195831 Aug 1960
 Great Britain Myler, Frank112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Lancashire Myler, Frank131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 Cumberland O'Neill, John214 Sep 196025 Sep 1963
 France Panno, Jean111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Australia Parcell, Gary108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Lancashire Parkinson, George124 Sep 195824 Sep 1958
 France Poletti, Louis201 Oct 196011 Dec 1960
 France Quaglio, Aldo301 Oct 196028 Jan 1961
 Australia Raper, Johnny118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 Australia Rasmussen, Elton108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Rest of the World Rayner, Billy110 Oct 196010 Oct 1960
 New Zealand Reidy, Brian216 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 France Rey, Roger201 Oct 196011 Dec 1960
 Great Britain Rhodes, Austin112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Roper, Sol214 Sep 196025 Sep 1963
 Australia Rushworth, Barry118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 France Savonne, André111 Dec 196011 Dec 1960
 Lancashire Simms, Trevor131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 New Zealand Snowden, Bill216 Sep 196111 Aug 1962
 Cumberland Southward, Ike214 Sep 196025 Sep 1963
 Great Britain Sullivan, Mick112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Australia Summons, Arthur118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 Lancashire Tabern, Walter131 Aug 196031 Aug 1960
 Australia Thornett, Dick118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 Australia Thornett, Ken118 Sep 196318 Sep 1963
 Great Britain Turner, Rocky112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Vincent, Bobby114 Sep 196014 Sep 1960
 Australia Wells, Harry108 Oct 196008 Oct 1960
 Great Britain Whiteley, Johnny112 Sep 196012 Sep 1960
 Cumberland Wilson, Don114 Sep 196014 Sep 1960