Harry Street - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 Great Britain Whites Ackerley, Alvin110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Australia Andrews, Ned101 Jul 195001 Jul 1950
 France Audoubert, Jean107 Nov 195307 Nov 1953
 Wales Banks, Billy301 Mar 195017 Sep 1952
 New Zealand Barchard, Des112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 France Bartoletti, Paul125 Nov 195125 Nov 1951
 Lancashire Barton, Frank105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 Cumberland Bawden, Jeff126 Sep 194926 Sep 1949
 New Zealand Baxter, Tommy112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 France BĂ©raud, AndrĂ©111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 France Berthomieu, Gabriel125 Nov 195125 Nov 1951
 Rest of League Bevan, Brian104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Wales Boocker, Dennis114 Oct 195014 Oct 1950
 Cumberland Breare, Dick129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Great Britain Whites Broome, Jack110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Rest of League Broome, Jack104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 France Brousse, Élie211 Nov 195025 Nov 1951
 Great Britain Whites Burnell, Alf110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Great Britain Whites Cahill, Ted110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 France Cantoni, Vincent311 Nov 195007 Nov 1953
 Cumberland Carr, Jock126 Sep 194926 Sep 1949
 France Carrère, AndrĂ©107 Nov 195307 Nov 1953
 France Carrère, AndrĂ©107 Nov 195307 Nov 1953
 Australia Churchill, Clive312 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 Cumberland Clark, Geoff126 Sep 194926 Sep 1949
 Rest of League Clues, Arthur104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Wales Condon, Mike117 Sep 195217 Sep 1952
 France Contrastin, Raymond211 Nov 195025 Nov 1951
 Rest of League Cook, Bert104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Rest of League Cooper, Lionel104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Australia Cowie, Les312 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 France Crespo, Joseph211 Nov 195025 Nov 1951
 Australia Crocker, Mick201 Jul 195022 Jul 1950
 Wales Daniels, Arthur201 Mar 195017 Sep 1952
 Wales Danter, Tom201 Mar 195014 Oct 1950
 New Zealand Davidson, George112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Wales Day, Bryn117 Sep 195217 Sep 1952
 Australia de Belin, Fred212 Jun 195001 Jul 1950
 France Dop, Jean211 Nov 195025 Nov 1951
 Cumberland Dover, Alan126 Sep 194926 Sep 1949
 France Duffort, RenĂ©211 Nov 195007 Nov 1953
 Lancashire Egan, Joe105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 Wales Evans, Jack114 Oct 195014 Oct 1950
 Cumberland Fearon, Sanny226 Sep 194929 Sep 1952
 Lancashire Featherstone, Jim105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 Australia Flannery, Denis101 Jul 195001 Jul 1950
 New Zealand Forrest, Jack112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Cumberland Foster, Raymond129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Wales Foster, Trevor101 Mar 195001 Mar 1950
 Great Britain Whites Froggett, Don110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 France Galaup, Charles111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 Cumberland Garratt, Bill129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Lancashire Gee, Ken105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 Cumberland Gibson, Eppie129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Great Britain Whites Gibson, Eppie110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Wales Goldswain, Bryn301 Mar 195017 Sep 1952
 Australia Graves, Johnny101 Jul 195001 Jul 1950
 France Guilhem, Roger225 Nov 195107 Nov 1953
 Wales Gullick, Don214 Oct 195017 Sep 1952
 Wales Gwyther, Elwyn114 Oct 195014 Oct 1950
 New Zealand Haig, Jimmy112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Australia Hall, Duncan212 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 New Zealand Hardwick, Travers112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Wales Harris, Tommy117 Sep 195217 Sep 1952
 Cumberland Harrison, Harry129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Wales Hawkins, Eynon101 Mar 195001 Mar 1950
 Cumberland Hayton, Jimmy129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Lancashire Helme, Gerry105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 Rest of League Helme, Gerry104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Australia Holland, Jack312 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 Australia Holman, Keith312 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 New Zealand Hough, Bevin112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Wales Howes, Derek101 Mar 195001 Mar 1950
 New Zealand Hurndell, Sandy112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Lancashire Hutton, Colin105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 Cumberland Ivison, Billy226 Sep 194929 Sep 1952
 Wales James, Granville114 Oct 195014 Oct 1950
 France Jiminez, Antoine107 Nov 195307 Nov 1953
 New Zealand Johnson, Cliff112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Lancashire Kerwick, Ted105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 France Krawczyk, Joseph107 Nov 195307 Nov 1953
 Wales Lambert, Roy214 Oct 195017 Sep 1952
 Lancashire Lawrenson, Johnny105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 Cumberland Lewthwaite, Jim226 Sep 194929 Sep 1952
 Cumberland Little, Sid129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 France Llari, Louis125 Nov 195125 Nov 1951
 Wales Llewellyn, Steve101 Mar 195001 Mar 1950
 Cumberland Longman, Frank126 Sep 194926 Sep 1949
 Wales Mahoney, Joe201 Mar 195014 Oct 1950
 Rest of League Marson, Len104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 France Martin, Martin211 Nov 195025 Nov 1951
 France Mazon, Louis111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 New Zealand McBride, Charlie112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Lancashire McCormick, Stan105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 Cumberland McKeating, Vince126 Sep 194926 Sep 1949
 Rest of League McMaster, Bob104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Australia McRitchie, Doug212 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 France Merquey, Jacques125 Nov 195125 Nov 1951
 Australia Middleton, Keith312 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 Wales Morgan, Ralph101 Mar 195001 Mar 1950
 Rest of League Mountford, Ces104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Lancashire Naughton, Albert105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 Great Britain Whites Naughton, Danny110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Lancashire Naughton, Danny105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 New Zealand Newton, John112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Cumberland Nicholson, Bob126 Sep 194926 Sep 1949
 Great Britain Whites Norburn, Peter110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Wales Osmond, Frank201 Mar 195014 Oct 1950
 France Pambrun, Jean107 Nov 195307 Nov 1953
 Great Britain Whites Parsons, George110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Wales Parsons, George214 Oct 195017 Sep 1952
 Cumberland Pearson, John129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 Cumberland Pepperell, Russ226 Sep 194929 Sep 1952
 Cumberland Pepperell, Stan126 Sep 194926 Sep 1949
 France PĂ©rez, Raoul111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 Australia Pidding, Noel112 Jun 195012 Jun 1950
 France Ponsinet, Édouard111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 Lancashire Prescott, Alan105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 Rest of League Prescott, Alan104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Wales Price, Ray117 Sep 195217 Sep 1952
 France Puig, Robert Aubert311 Nov 195007 Nov 1953
 Australia Purcell, Bernie122 Jul 195022 Jul 1950
 Wales Radford, Brian117 Sep 195217 Sep 1952
 France Rey, Roger107 Nov 195307 Nov 1953
 Cumberland Richardson, Jack129 Sep 195229 Sep 1952
 France Rinaldi, François225 Nov 195107 Nov 1953
 Australia Roberts, Ron122 Jul 195022 Jul 1950
 New Zealand Robertson, Maurie112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Great Britain Whites Rose, David110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Lancashire Rowe, Jimmy105 Oct 194905 Oct 1949
 France Savonne, AndrĂ©107 Nov 195307 Nov 1953
 Australia Schubert, Kevin312 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 Rest of League Slevin, Ted104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Australia Stanmore, Frank312 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 Australia Thompson, Alan212 Jun 195001 Jul 1950
 Australia Troy, Jack212 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 Great Britain Whites Valentine, Dave110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Rest of League Valentine, Dave104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Cumberland Wareing, Jim126 Sep 194926 Sep 1949
 Great Britain Whites Watts, Basil110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 New Zealand White, Des112 Aug 195012 Aug 1950
 Great Britain Whites Wilcox, Charlie110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Great Britain Whites Williams, Dickie110 Mar 195410 Mar 1954
 Wales Williams, Dickie201 Mar 195014 Oct 1950
 Rest of League Williams, Les104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Wales Williams, Les201 Mar 195017 Sep 1952
 Wales Williams, Syd117 Sep 195217 Sep 1952